Strategic Planning

What is the University's Mission?

San Francisco State University educates and equips students to thrive in a global society. We deliver academic excellence by pursuing knowledge, inspiring creativity, supporting our diverse community and advancing social justice and positive change in the world.

Current Strategic Planning Activities: 23-24 First Year Impact Report

Access the 2023-24 Strategic Plan First Year Impact Report update available on Box.

This first assessment of our goals and activities uses metrics developed by cross-cabinet Coordinating Committees and Campus stakeholders aligning for the deepest impact.

What is a Strategic Plan?

The University Strategic Plan articulates in one place the mission, vision and values of San Francisco State and establishes a set of six priorities guiding day-to-day decision making and long-term design. Based on a collaborative endeavor from the start, the Strategic Plan strives to provide a solid anchor and tools for flexible adaption; to remind us who we are as we take charge of who we become.

Strategic Planning Process

Thousands of SF State faculty, staff, students, administrators, alumni and community members participated in the strategic planning process by taking part in workshops, focus groups and surveys or submit a question or comment online. This participation and input informed the work of the Strategic Planning Committee in the creation of our Strategic Plan, which identified the mission, vision and values which will guide our implementation planning in the next year and our work over the next several years to address the six strategic priorities.

Strategic Planning Approach

Our goal throughout this process was to develop a strategic plan that reflects the perspectives from everyone who has an important stake in the university – including our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other key community members. To accomplish this, we created numerous opportunities for deep listening and inclusive engagement throughout the process. We also reviewed already-existing data, qualitative and quantitative, including, but not limited to, existing survey data, the Academic Master Plan, the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, the Strategic Marketing Plan and the WASC self-study. You can still provide input through our Opportunities for Involvement section which will be shared with coordinating committees and work groups.

Strategic Planning Timeline

phase 1

Strategic Plan: Process and Finalization (Complete) 

Fall 2021- Summer 2022

  • Convene the Strategic Planning Committee
  • Conduct online survey, focus groups, and general feedback sessions with campus stakeholders
  • Analyze results from 3000+ students, faculty, staff, alumni and administrator respondents
  • Use results to develop, draft, and refine the strategic plan 
phase 2

Develop and Finalize Strategic Priority Metrics (Complete) 

Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

  • Convene Coordinating Committees to discuss Strategic Priority Areas 
  • Coordinating Committees meet, share ideas, gather feedback and propose draft metrics
  • Metrics presented to campus community for feedback 
  • Strategic Planning committee reviews feedback and finalize metrics 
phase 3

Activity and Initiative Alignments: Year One (complete)

Summer 2023 - Spring 2024

  • Coordinating Committees gather and inspire activity to align with  metrics
  • Winter initial progress report to President's Cabinet
  • Spring full progress report to Strategic Planning Committee 
  • First year impact report to campus community
phase 4

Year Two: Realignment and Engagement 

Summer 2024-Spring 2025

  • Coordinating Committees realign metrics and goals
  • Winter 2024 initial progress report to President's Cabinet 
  • Spring 2025 final progress report to Strategic Planning Committee
  • Spring 2025 Year Two full report to campus community


President Mahoney has appointed and will chair a Strategic Planning Committee to analyze the feedback from our campus community and develop the final strategic plan for approval. 

Committee Meeting Presentations


Committee Members (updated Fall 2024)

Committee Members and Position
Member Position
Lynn Mahoney University President, Chair 
Amy Sueyoshi Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Jeff Wilson VP for Administration & Finance
Jamillah Moore VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Jeff Jackanicz VP for University Advancement 
Jackson Wilson Chair, Academic Senate
Ingrid Williams     AVP, HR
Fred Smith     AVP, Equity & Community Inclusion
Katie Lynch AVP, Enrollment Management
Lori Beth Way     Vice Provost, Academic Planning & Dean, DUEAP
Sutee Sujitparapitaya Associate Provost, Institutional Analytics
Luis De Paz Fernandez Interim Chief of Staff, Office of the President
Brandon Foley President, Associated Students, or designee
(open)  Associated Students Board of Directors representative
(open)  Undergraduate student representative
(open)  Graduate student representative
Dylan Mooney Chair, Staff Council
Carleen Mandolfo Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs 
Grace Yoo Dean, College of Ethnic Studies
Kate Hamel Faculty, College of Health and Social Sciences
Kym Morrison Faculty, College of Liberal and Creative Arts
Michael Goldman Faculty, College of Science and Engineering
Maria Del Rosario Zavala Faculty, Graduate College of Education
Sepideh Modrek Faculty, Lam Family College of Business
Kendra Van Cleave Faculty, University Library
TBD Faculty, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
(open)  College of Professional and Global Education representative
Janet Remolona Staff, Academic Affairs
Michelle Martinez Staff, Administration & Finance
Alaric Trousdale Staff, Student Affairs & Enrollment
Barbara Stein   Staff, University Advancement
Michael Scott  AVP for Research and Sponsored Programs
Sophie Clavier Dean, Graduate Studies and Career Development 
Teddy Albiniak Interim University Ombuds and Director of Strategic Initatives 

Staff Support: Bobby King

What are Coordinating Committees?

Coordinating Committees represent the next phase of the Strategic Plan. Pre-existing and new groups of representatives from across cabinet areas, units, and roles will convene to focus on each strategic priority and identify goals and metrics to measure our achievements in those areas. 

How were Coordinating Committees formed? 

Each coordinating committee includes representation from existing structures/committees, key functional/administrative areas, and faculty, staff and students. 

In some instances, we rely on an existing committee to serve as a coordinating committee, such as the Student Success and Graduation Initiative (SSGI) Committee.  For others, we’ve assembled a new group based on the feedback and insight of the Cabinet, the Senate Executive Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee. 

Each new group has representatives identified by role and also selected by shared governance bodies on campus: Academic Senate, Associated Students, and the Staff Council. Membership, especially staff, will be updated as shared governance bodies share additional names for possible representatives.

Why do we need Coordinating Committees?

Success of a strategic plan does not live in its completion as a document but in its inclusive implementation. Coordinating Committees ensure that the University is working together to meet the goals of the Strategic Plan and that it is building communities of leaders who share expertise, build on knowledge and insight, and generate innovative ideas for future success.

What do Coordinating Committees do?

Coordinating Committee co-leads convened the committees in October 2022. The goal is for each committee to develop metrics by which to align and measure our work as a University. Committees provide a space for sharing current work, identifying gaps and generating advice to the SPC and Cabinet about opportunities to reduce redundancies and prioritize impactful programs. 

The co-leads presented a summary to the Strategic Planning Committee in May 2023 and will create progress reports that will be shared with the campus community in May of 2024 to align work with the University’s Strategic Priority areas.

Strategic Planning Coordinating Committees
Committee Membership
Educational Equity and Student Success

*Lori Beth Way, Vice Provost of Academic Planning and Dean of Undergraduate Education

*Katie Lynch, Sr. AVP of Enrollment Management

Jackson Wilson, Chair of the Academic Senate

Kim Altura, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education

Arlene Daus-Magbual, Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies

Jane DeWitt, Associate Dean of Academic Planning

Carmen Domingo, Dean, College of Sciences and Engineering

Miguel Angel Hernandez, Associate Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students 

John Gates, Director, Fiscal Operations

Dai To, Associate Vice President for Disability Access & Student Well Being

Margo Landy, AVP of Enrollment Management & University Registrar

Mary Beth Love, Executive Director of METRO 

Leticia Márquez-Magaña, Professor of Biology and SF Build Lead Principal Investigator

Kim Schwartz, Director of the School of Theatre and Dance, Liberal and Creative Arts

Frederick Smith, AVP of Equity & Community Inclusion

Yim-Yu Wong, Associate Dean, Lam Family College of Business

Guisselle Nuñez, AVP of Strategic Marketing and Communications

Ivan Wong, LEAD BA, ITS

Teddy Albiniak, Interim Ombuds and Director of Strategic Initiatives

student representative (open; please email committee chairs if curious) 

Working with Purpose and Passion: An Improved Employee Experience

*Ingrid Williams, AVP of Human Resources

*Carleen Mandolfo, AVP of Faculty Affairs

Andrew Roderick, AVP of Academic Technology

Crystal Wong, Director of the Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Shae Hancock, Interim Director of HR, University Corporation

Nancy Ganner, Asst Director of Operations, Human Resources

Karen Boyce, Director of Health Promotion and Wellness

(open), College Professional and Global Education

Alex Sanchez, Executive Director of Fundraising

Michael Wong, Director of Campus Recreation

Jackson Wilson, Chair, Academic Senate (Academic Senate representative)

Michelle Anolin, Associate Director, Project Management Office, ITS

Anarose Schelstrate, GCOE (Staff Council Representative) 

JC Gonzalez, HSS (Staff Council Representative) 

TBA: One student representative (Contact Associated Students President Foley to express interest in participating)

SF State: Your University, Our University, One University

*Jamillah Moore, VP of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

*Frederick Smith, AVP of Equity & Community Inclusion

Christian Lozano, Director of Diversity, Student Equity & Interfaith Programs

Nicole Redding, Director of Disability Programs and Resource Center

Kent Bravo, Media Relations Specialist

Susanna Jones, First Year Experience Director

Anna Titus,  AVP Title IX and DHR Coordinator

Stephen Chen, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services

Marilyn Jackson, Interim AVP, Division of International Education

Yumi Wilson, Professor of Broadcast Journalism and Electronic Communications (Academic Senate representative)

Shawn Hicks, Director, Web & Mobile Applications, ITS 

Janet Remolana, HSS (Staff Council representative)

TBA: One student representative (Contact Associated Students President Foley to express interest in participating)

The Academic Edge: Relevant Education and Pathways to Success

*Amy Sueyoshi, Provost and VP of Academic Affairs

*Jackson Wilson, Academic Senate Chair

Andreana Clay,  Interim Dean, College of Health and Social Sciences

John Kim, Interim Vice Provost, Academic Resources

Ifeoma Nwankwo,  Dean, College of Liberal and Creative Arts

Carmen Domingo, Dean, College of Science and Engineering

Cynthia Grutzik, Dean of the Graduate College of Education

Alex Hwu, Dean of the College of Professional and Global Education

Carleen Mandolfo, AVP of Faculty Affairs

Deborah Masters, University Librarian

Sophie Clavier, Dean of Graduate Studies and Career Services

Eugene Sivadas, Dean of the Lam Family College of Business

Michael Scott, AVP of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Grace Yoo,  Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies

Sutee Sujitparapitaya, Associate Provost, Institutional Analytics

Lori Beth Way, Vice Provost of Academic Planing & Dean of Undergraduate Education

Mona Sagapolutele, Chief of Staff for the Provost

Teddy Albiniak, Interim Ombuds and Director of Strategic Initatives

Ryan Gurney, Global Programs Lead, CPaGE

Carrie Holschuh, Associate Professor, School of Nursing

Fang-yu Chou, Professor, School of Nursing

Brad Erickson, Lecturer Faculty, Liberal Studies

Dipendra Sinha, Professor of Engineering

Rick Harvey, Professor, Recreation, Parks and Tourism

Alaric Trousdale, Lead Exchange Student and Scholar Officer 

Arezoo Islami, Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Elizabeth Brown, Professor of Criminal Justice Studies 

Ellen Christensen,  Assistant Professor of Visual Communication

Fang-Yu Chou, Professor of Nursing 

Rob Collins, Associate Professor, American Indian Studies

TBA: One student representative (Contact Associated Students President Foley to express interest in participating)

Fiscal Sustainability: Transparency, Literacy and Shared Objectives

*Jeff Wilson, VP of Administration and Finance

*John Kim, Interim Vice Provost of Academic Resources

 David Schachman, CBO Student Affairs & Enrollment Management

Tammie Ridgell, Interim Executive Director, UCORP

Vickie Lee, Director of Finance and Operations, SF State Foundation

Cesar Mozo, Associate Director of Finance, Administration and Finance

Ly Chau,  Interim Director of Academic Budget, Academic Affairs

Alex Hwu, Dean, College of Professional and Global Education

Elena Stoian, Executive Director of Budget Administration & Operations, Administration and Finance

Sylvia Piao, University Controller, Administration and Finance

Genie Stowers, Professor of Public Administration

Michael Goldman, Professor of Biology

Mary Menees, Senior Operations Officer & Culminating Experience Coordinator, Graduate Studies

Eugene Sivadas, Dean, Lam Family College of Business

Mei Chin, Interim Director of Finance, LCA

Jack Mao, Budget Analyst, COES

Larry Low, Director of Finance, LFCOB

Crystal Kam, Director of Budget & Finance, COES

Cathy Tong, College Business Officer, GCOE

Vivian Toy, Department Manager, COSE

Yuli Diestel, Department Manager, HSS

An Engaged Community Partner: A Force for Good in the Bay Area

*Jeff Jackanicz, VP of University Advancement

*Alex Hwu, Dean of the College of Extended Learning

Nicole Lange, AVP of Alumni Relations

Sheldon Gen, Foundation Board; Professor of Public Administration

Jason Bell, UCORP Board and Director of Project Rebound

Jennifer Gasang, Executive Director of Institute for Civic and Community Engagement


Savita Malik, METRO Director of Curriculum and Faculty Development

Alexander Dursin, Director of Government and Community Relations

Caitlin Steele, Director of Sustainability and Energy

Sophie Clavier, Dean of Graduate Studies and Career Development

Kai Burrus, Professor of Biology and representative of Climate Change Certificate program

Jennifer Shae, Associate Professor of Public Administration (Academic Senate representative)

Denzel Vaovasa, Facilities & Operations Support, College of Health and Social Sciences (Staff Council representative)

Afitap Boz, Program Coordinator, College of Professional and Global Education (Staff Council representative)

TBA: One student representative (Contact Associated Students President Ersa to express interest in participating)

  *denotes committee leadership

Questions and Feedback

Your feedback throughout the strategic planning process is vital to our success. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions that you feel will be helpful to the strategic planning process, please let us know.

Our goal for the strategic planning process has been to develop a plan that is inclusive of perspectives from all stakeholders in the University community.

To date, thousands of SF State faculty, staff, students, administrators, alumni and community members have elected to participate in the strategic planning process by taking part in five workshops, 14 focus groups, three surveys, community stakeholder interviews and by submitting feedback through this website. If you have a question or comment, please submit it below.